Saturday 28 October 2017

Free Reading 65th "Willem Iskandar"

Name : Desi Natalia
NPM : 16611028
  Title : Willem Iskandar

Screenshoot of the cover

This story tells of a famous writer from North Sumatera in Indonesia. He is willem iskandar. He was the first Sumatran  people to write poetry and school books. Willem Iskandar was born in 1838, his father was the king of Sumatera . He was clever, so there is a Dutch who wants Williem to live with him and  to learn  the Dutch language. Parents Willem agreed.
In 1854 he moved to the Hollands to learn the Dutch language.
After studying in the Holland for five years, Willem returned to his own village and got some money to open a high school. Willem worked very hard and at the same time wrote a book for his students. Willem Iskandar worked for about 15 years and then he was sent again by the Dutch to study in the Hollands. then he married one of his Dutch friends.
After three years, the people in Willem village are happy because they know that willem has passed the exam and he will definitely be back soon. but in fact, he never came home, because his wife did not want to go with him. Willem Iskandar is very sad. He loves his wife but he wants to go home. One day, he shot himself in a flower garden that was in amsterdan. Near his body they found a note in Dutch from Willem whose contents were "goodbye".
For me , this story is very interesting and makes  me shudder when reading it.          

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