Monday 30 October 2017

review of reading book 15th "What to Say Instead of "What Is It?" When Kids Show You Their Artwork"

Sintya nurceha
Free reading

What to Say Instead of "What Is It?" When Kids Show You Their Artwork

When little kids create a work of art, a drawing or painting or pipe cleaner sculpture—adults typically respond in two different ways. There’s the effusive, “That’s so beautiful! You’re such an amazing artist! Let’s hang this masterpiece on the wall!” Or there’s the blank stare and the question: “What is this?

 Instead, when talking about a kid’s artwork, adults should focus on the process, not the product.

 What you are trying to do is feed back their explorations to them—being neither too critical nor too gushy—and leave lots of room in the conversation for them to talk, too.

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