Monday 30 October 2017

free reading review of"a cat and a bird"

Name : yulia sari
Npm :16611015

One day, there was a cat who was saunteringthrough the woods, suddenly she heard a chirping sound very melodious once from the East, because he really liked the music generated from such,finally chirping sound the cat was walking toward the chirp until gradually it became clear audible voice, and the cat was seeing a swarm of birds roostingin a tree as degan melodious chirping simultaneously,the cat was trying to climb to the top of the tree in order that he may join together with the birds, but all the birds were surprised and frightened to see the cat who was trying to climb, the bird thought that the cat will eat them, and then the bird flew by fast to avoid the cat,the cat was trying to catch birds to explain what really happened, and there is a bird thatfell due to hit the tree branches, the cat had approached the bird and the cat finally explain what the real intention, then the birdshave to apologize for have thought that the cat will eat her, finally the bird was chirping with melodious as a sign of apology to the cat, while the cat sitting next to a bird they eventually became good friends and the birdwas introduced the cat on his friends to another.

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