Monday 30 October 2017

review free reading 14th Nearly every country on earth is named after one of four things

Sintya nurceha
Free reading

 Nearly every country on earth is named after one of four things
I like this article , the article tells about
According to our research, the majority of country names fall into just four categories:

a directional description of the country
a feature of the land
a tribe name
an important person, most likely a man
Further, our research reveals that the way countries get their names is hardly ever democratic, and very few are rooted in the national qualities we like to associate with them, like liberty, strength or justice.

 Type one: Tribes, kingdoms, ethnic groups

 Type two: A special land
 Type three: East, west, somewhere in the middle

 Type four: Men

By our count, there are roughly another 25 countries named for some person of importance—in all cases but one, a man. According to language blogger Paul Anthony Jones, St. Lucie.

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