Sunday 29 October 2017

Free Reading ( Keep pn Walking)

Keep On Walking

A black man named Dave, he is a slave in Tenesse's cattle. When the 2 sons are their masters over when and they will fall into the water and die. Dave could have killed him but he was not that bad, dave ran home to the lady and mistress after Dave told them they were shouting. And asking someone to save her, Dave runs to the river to jump and save them. And after that you promised Dave to get freedom after a year of work, when the farm was successful, you called dave and gave dave freedom. Then you bought old things and tied up at the end of Dave's wand, the lady and her children were crying and when Dave walked you yelled "Dave I love you, lady love you and the kids love you, Dave replied, then sir remind" you're free but not as free as a white man. "Dave kept walking until he reached Canada because there was no slavery there.

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