Sunday, 1 October 2017

Review of : Living With Other People 

Staying with other people is not as good as thought. Indeed sometimes good, because we have friends and not feel lonely, but when we live with others it means we have to unite two different thoughts, two different opinions and we must make one.

Living with others we should be able to share duties, eg cleaning the house. we must be sensitive to it, when our friends do not have time and busy to clean it should we do it, vice versa or if need to make schedule picket.

Mutually understand each other, when our friends tired should not listen to music too loud or make a commotion. Give our roommate news if we're away, or leave a message for her.Staying together there is a limit, different if we live alone. When our friends want to invite our friends to come we have to think about whether it will interfere or not, if it interferes better find another place to meet.

Written : Eka Rahmasari
Npm : 16611048
Free Reading

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