Saturday 28 October 2017

Free Reading : Exercise for teenage girls extends their life

       Good news for young women to keep healthy lifestyle. a new study shows it is important for young women to exercise. Researchers see 75,000 Chinese women between the ages of 40 and 70. Women who exercise regularly because teenagers are healthier than those who do not. Teenagers who exercise 80 minutes a week have a lower risk of death from illness. Researchers say that in general, women live longer if they exercise 15 minutes a day in their teens.
        Doing exercise as a teenager means living longer, even if women stop exercising when they are older. Regardless of adult exercise, adolescent exercise reduces the risk of diseases such as cancer. Research says it is important to promote exercise in adolescent years to increase longevity and prevent future illness. Although this study is based on women in China, it is important for all women around the world to exercise.

Written by Krisna Ismawati (16611075)

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