Saturday 28 October 2017

Free Reading : 30 million people invited to read books

       The awesome news coming from Facebook Boss Mark Zuckerberg has started perhaps the world's largest book club. His New Year's resolution is to read a book every week. He invited his 30 million followers to do the same. He will announce his last reading on a special Facebook page and ask people to discuss the book with him. He explained that: "The book allows you to thoroughly explore topics and engage yourself in a deeper way than most of today's media."
        Zuckerberg already has his first book, 'The End of Power' by Moises Naim. He explains: "This is a book that discusses how the world shifts to give people more power that traditionally only held by big governments.The tendency to give people more power is what I believe deeply." Zuckerberg embarked on a new challenge every year to expand his thinking. The initial task is to learn Mandarin, which he does.

Written by Krisna Ismawati (16611075)

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