Saturday 28 October 2017

Free Reading 66th "Getting to Know More about SUSHI"

Name : Desi Natalia
NPM : 16611028
  Title : Getting to Know More about SUSHI

Screenshoot of the cover
I really like about this story because this story tells about the food that I think is unique, unique in terms of appearance and unique in terms of taste. this food is Sushi. Sushi is a food that comes from Japan. Around the world there are many people who like to eating sushi. Because of the great look of look , there are many people who think it is not cheap at all. but we can make it ourselves at home so we do not spend money to buy sushi. Sushi is easy to make, sushi made with rice, derived from japanese rice and chunks of food placed on nori rolls are fish or other types of seafood. Actually I ever eating  this food, I think it tasted bad but when I try it evidently this food  it is very delicious.

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