Friday 27 October 2017

Free Reading 62th " Growing Tall"

Name : Desi Natalia
NPM : 16611028
  Title Growing Tall

Screenshoot of the cover
Having a high body is everyone's dream. there are some people who assume that when we have a high body it will increase our confidence. but sometimes our desires do not match our expectations, when we have short body, it makes us inferior to people who have a high body.
Tall bodies and short bodies come from our parent's genes so we will follow our parent's genes. but do not worry if you have a body that tends to be short, there is still a way you can do to increase your height, such as stop drinking coffee, when we drink coffee we will have difficulty sleeping and make our body keep awake and not sleep soundly, it will affect your body growth.
Another way is you should eat healthy foods especially foods that contain lots of vitamins and minerals, because it will increase the growth hormone in our body. 
From this story I learned that we can make our bodies higher by organizing the diet and doing a healthy lifestyle.

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