Saturday 28 October 2017

50th free reading (Review of Life is too short for these things)

   The average person only lives 70 or 80 years. So be productive and have a worthwhile life. These are a few things that we should atop doing today.

1. Feeling bad. Because we forgot to do something. Stop it! Forgetting is normal. You’re not bad person, so relax it.

2. Crying over something. 
Stop to spent our time to cry for something that’s over. Just forget about it, and learn from that. 

3. Stop to working in job or studying something that we hate. It will waste our energy only.

4. Stip to insulting ourself. No matter what we are. Just think in positive ways.

5. Not sharing our dreams with our friends, family, and loved ones. Because if they do not know, how can they support or encourage us.

6 . Stop to being too lazy to make changes in our life.

7. Stop to comparing ourself to other people. Just focusing on making ourself to be someone that we want to be. 

8. Stop to being critical of others. Because it can make us to be unhappy and unforgiving person.

Written by : Threesa Afrulli (16611012)

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