Tuesday 31 October 2017

47th free reading

I enjoy reading this story and I can find useful things for how to grow high. High people usually come from high genes. however, there are some things that can make you high. be careful in consuming food, because it is affecting our growth. coffee is one of the inhibitors of our body growth. coffee can stop us from sleeping, while in our sleep soundly our growth hormone goes out more and we can be as high as high as possible. multiply foods containing vitamins and minerals. milk rich in calcium also helps us in the growth process.

by siska

46th free reading

A very boring story, because it contains only curhatan someone who was on vacation in japan. He is very confusing. Because in not many can speak japanese, he does not know where to find the toilet and he laughs at himself.
I hope in this story can menumakan new things from japan. For example, the author tells of the natural beauty there and the technology or habits of the Japanese people there. It will all make the reader feel enjoy and will get more knowledge about japan country.

By : siska

Monday 30 October 2017

21st Review

When someone hurts us, our children, or someone we love, gossips behind our back, or simply acts in ways that confound us, we can focus on it for hours or days. We can’t stop thinking about how the things the person said were unkind, untrue, and self-centered. Their image and their words keep resurfacing.
How can we stop being caught up in other people’s thoughts? How can we stop thinking about a person or situation and what we should have or could have done differently when the same thoughts keep looking back, rewinding, and playing through our mind again and again?
1.       “less said, more time.”
Letting more time pass when we’re dealing with a difficult, reactive person is almost always a smart move. With time, the thing we’re annoyed about often just falls away.
2.       “Let’s just wait and see what happens next.”
Give ourselves permission to wait and see what happens next.
3.       Move away from the blame game.
Picking apart past events and trying to assign blame (including blaming yourself) is rarely productive. Bad things and misunderstandings most often “happen’ through a series of events, like a domino effect. No one person is entirely to blame for the end result.
4.       “Try no to fall into other people’s states of minds.”
5.       “Deal with your biggest problem first.”
No matter what’s happened, the biggest problem we face is our own anger.in that sense, our anger really is our biggest problem. Deal with yourself before you deal with anyone else.
6.       “When you’re angry it wrinkles the mind.”
You can’t think clearly or be creative or thoughtful about how best to handle any situation when you’re mad. If you want to think clearly, you can’t be mad at anything.
7.       “Don’t try to figure others out.”
if others tried to figure out what you’re thinking, or what your motivations are, how right do you think they’d be? They probably wouldn’t have a clue as to what’s really going through your mind. So why try to figure out what others are thinking? Chances are extremely good that you would be wrong.
8.       Your thoughts are not facts.
Don’t treat them as if they are. In other don’t believe everything you think. We often take this as a sign that our thoughts must be facts. When we emotionally hijacked by worry, regret, fear, anxiety, or anger, we must to remember that theemotional  we experience is real but not true.
9.       How can you grow from this?
When we’re able to be present with our feelings, and inquire why we’re experiencing such a strong reaction and what our feelings tell us about ourselves. Center your thoughts on growth.
10.   “don’t ever put anyone out of your heart, not even you.”
11.   You’re not a time magician.
You can’t change what happened.
12.   Forgive, for your sake.
We forgive so that we can live free of the acute suffering that comes with holding onto the past.
13.   Occupy a different mind space.
Watch all of your thought pass by you.
14.   Send them loving kindness.
when you can’t stop thinking about someone who’s hurt you, surround them with kindness until your anger fades.
15.   Take a 90 second time out.

To free your mind, you first have to break your thought pattern. Neuropsychiatrist says “after 90 seconds an emotion will arise and fall like a wave on the shore.”

20th Review

What is personality?
The personality is the typical pattern of thinking, feeling, and behaviors that make a person unique.
Everyone wants to be attractive to others. Having a good personality is vital – probably even more so than good looks.
In fact, approximately 85% of your success and happiness will be a result of how well you interact with others. Ultimately, it is your personality that determines whether people are attracted to, or shy away from you.
While we can only enhance our looks to a certain extent, we have the ability to improve the personality as much as we want.
Here are 10 great ways to improve your personality:
1.       Be a better listener.
There is nothing more appealing than having someone listen to you intently making you feel like you’re the only person in the world.
2.       Read more and expand your interests.
the more you read and cultivate new interests, the more interesting you are to others.
3.       Be a good conversationalist.
This relates to how much you read and know. Once you have much to contribute, learn how to talk about it with others. It’s refreshing to learn from others those things we don’t have the time to about read ourselves.
4.       Have an opinion.
If you have uncommon point or view or differing opinion, you are more interesting and stimulating to bewith socially (unless you’re a know-it-all, of course). A unique outlook expands everyone’s perspective.
5.       Meet new people.
Make the effort to meet new people especially those unlike you. It not only exposes you to different cultures and alternative ways of doing things, it broadens your horizons.
6.       Be yourself.
Since each of us is unique, expressing that uniqueness is what makes us interesting.
7.       Have a positive outlook and attitude.
most of us run when we see new people coming. Instead, be the kind of upbeat person who light up a room with your energy when you enter it. Do it by looking for the best in people and things.
8.       Be fun and see the humorous side of life.
When you can add fun and lightheartedness to an otherwise dull or gloomy setting, others will naturally be attracted to you, not to mention grateful.
9.       Be supportive of others.
Be the support for others when they need it just as you yourself welcome it.
10.   Have integrity and treat people with respect.
Being honest and true to your word will bring you the admiration, respect and gratitude of others. Respect for others, as well as respect for yourself.

review of free reading 16th "Babies’s brains are wired to learn multiple languages at once"

Sintya nurceha
Free reading

Babies’s brains are wired to learn multiple languages at once

         Any adult who has attempted to learn a foreign language can attest to how difficult and confusing it can be.
        In fact, early childhood is the best possible time to learn a second language. Children who experience two languages from birth typically become native speakers of both, while adults often struggle with second language learning and rarely attain native-like fluency.

review of reading book 15th "What to Say Instead of "What Is It?" When Kids Show You Their Artwork"

Sintya nurceha
Free reading

What to Say Instead of "What Is It?" When Kids Show You Their Artwork

When little kids create a work of art, a drawing or painting or pipe cleaner sculpture—adults typically respond in two different ways. There’s the effusive, “That’s so beautiful! You’re such an amazing artist! Let’s hang this masterpiece on the wall!” Or there’s the blank stare and the question: “What is this?

 Instead, when talking about a kid’s artwork, adults should focus on the process, not the product.

 What you are trying to do is feed back their explorations to them—being neither too critical nor too gushy—and leave lots of room in the conversation for them to talk, too.

review free reading 14th Nearly every country on earth is named after one of four things

Sintya nurceha
Free reading

 Nearly every country on earth is named after one of four things
I like this article , the article tells about
According to our research, the majority of country names fall into just four categories:

a directional description of the country
a feature of the land
a tribe name
an important person, most likely a man
Further, our research reveals that the way countries get their names is hardly ever democratic, and very few are rooted in the national qualities we like to associate with them, like liberty, strength or justice.

 Type one: Tribes, kingdoms, ethnic groups

 Type two: A special land
 Type three: East, west, somewhere in the middle

 Type four: Men

By our count, there are roughly another 25 countries named for some person of importance—in all cases but one, a man. According to language blogger Paul Anthony Jones, St. Lucie.

review free reading 13th Think organic food is better for you,animals,and the planet?

Sintya nurceha
Free reading

 Think organic food is better for you, animals, and the planet? Think again
This article tell about
What we eat is seen as more important than ever. And everywhere we are urged to go organic: we are told it is more nutritious, it improves animal welfare and helps the environment. In reality, that is mostly marketing hype.

 Organic farming is sold as good for the environment. This is correct for a single farm field: organic farming uses less energy, emits less greenhouse gasses, nitrous oxide and ammonia and causes less nitrogen leeching than a conventional field. But each organic field yields much, much less. So, to grow the same amount of wheat, spinach or strawberries, you need much more land. That means that average organic produce results in the emission of about as many greenhouse gasses as conventional produce.

free reading review of"panda"

Name: yulia sari
Npm  :16711015

That's about Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) is a bear species found in the mountains of central and western China, Panda bear is a unique species among other bears because they don’t hibernate, Panda was first discovered by a French naturalist in 1869, which is, then used as a symbol of global conservation in the World Wildlife Fund logo.Panda is like a large species of bear-sized, which has a large head, a short tail and a long snout with a large nose, which makes them have a very good sense of smelling. Panda’s thick fur is creamy white, with large black spots on the legs, shoulders, ears and nose, and in the area around their little eyes which are typical, 90 percent of the panda diet is bamboo,Therefore, they have, a variety of physical adaptations to help them consume bamboo including the extension of the wrist bone that acts a bit like a thumb that allows the panda to hold on to a bamboo rod,Panda has also a huge jaw with strong jaw muscles and the flat molars that allow panda to destroy the bamboo stems and leaves easyly to extract the nutrients contained there.

free reading 58th " Look good now!"

Name : Kurnia Fatmasari
NPM : 16611030
Type : free reading
Title  : Look Good, Now!

Many people wore make up for look beauty but its just for short time becouse cosmetic will broke our skin. If we want to look beauty we must to keept our healty, started from our life style we must to choose food that we needed for our body and dont forget to drink mineral water as much as possible but still in the 8 liter and then dont forget to always smile. Smiling is a nature make up and it can not break our skin.

free reading 57th "Cats are just as clever as dogs, study"

Name : Kurnia Fatmasari
NPM : 16611030
Type : free reading
Title  : cats are just as clever as dogs, study

Commonly every persong though that dog more clever than cat but in this researcher form Japan found that cat more lever than dog. From researcher or they usualy said “ memory test” one cat has been given 2 bowls food. After 15 minutes the cat came back to eat but the cat still remember wich one the food and bowl cat ate. It proved that cat also clever as dog. We must to more care with our cat.

Free reading "central java"

Adelia Nurfayanti

the city of central java is a problematic city in the irrigation system of its waters and also the bridge so central java during the rainy season is easily hit by floods to the victim, then the government finally act to fix it,The agriculture Ministry Pledged to the seeds and tools to farmers in East and Central java has been damaged by floods.

free reading review of"the ant and grasshopper"

Name : yulia sari
Npm :16611015

In a field one summer’s day a Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing to its heart’s content. An Ant passed by, bearing along with great effort an ear of cornhe was taking to the nest,Why not come and chat with me,said the Grasshopper, instead of toiling and moiling away?I am helping to lay up food for the winter, said the Ant, and recommend you todo the same,Why bother about winter? said the Grasshopper; we have got plenty offood at present,but the Ant went on its way and continued its toil,when the winter came the Grasshopper found itself dying of hunger, while it saw the ants distributing, every day corn and grain from the stores they had collected in the summer,then the Grasshopper knew.

free reading review of"a cat and a bird"

Name : yulia sari
Npm :16611015

One day, there was a cat who was saunteringthrough the woods, suddenly she heard a chirping sound very melodious once from the East, because he really liked the music generated from such,finally chirping sound the cat was walking toward the chirp until gradually it became clear audible voice, and the cat was seeing a swarm of birds roostingin a tree as degan melodious chirping simultaneously,the cat was trying to climb to the top of the tree in order that he may join together with the birds, but all the birds were surprised and frightened to see the cat who was trying to climb, the bird thought that the cat will eat them, and then the bird flew by fast to avoid the cat,the cat was trying to catch birds to explain what really happened, and there is a bird thatfell due to hit the tree branches, the cat had approached the bird and the cat finally explain what the real intention, then the birdshave to apologize for have thought that the cat will eat her, finally the bird was chirping with melodious as a sign of apology to the cat, while the cat sitting next to a bird they eventually became good friends and the birdwas introduced the cat on his friends to another.

free reading review of"city lovers"

Name : yulia sari
Npm    :16611015

City Lovers,also published in 1975, sixteen years before she would be awarded the Nobel Prize, this is Gordimer’s story of the relationship between Austrian geologist Dr. Franz-Josef Von Leinsdorf and a mixed-race Johannesburg shop girl, an affair that is illegal in apartheid-era South Africa. One of the most overlooked pieces of Gordimer’s writing, this is also one of the quietest, and most effective. The uneasy dynamics of race, class, and power (especially when it comes to love and sex) are nimbly explored here, and build to a devastating end. It was similarly saved from obscurity, this time by author Tessa Hadley, forThe New Yorker‘s fiction podcast.

Free reading 56th " talking to people from other countries"

Name : Kurnia Fatmasari
NPM : 16611030
Type : free reading
Title  : Talking to people from other countries

When other people did not understand what you said eventhough you from in the same country and spoke same language. So how about the other people who from different country?  Is they understand ? it will make a miscomunication  becouse every country has different language and different meaning inclued English. English in china and US had different pronounciation and meaning so we must be careful and focus about what they said.

free reading 55th "get your passion back right now"

Name : Kurnia Fatmasari
NPM : 16611030
Type : free reading
Title  : Get your passion back right now

When you felt that you did not  have passion, don’t give up becouse in our life everyperson can do anything that they want. Loved your life so you can get your passion and when you got your passion, you will be better than before. You did not lose your passion anymore if you always felt happy and loves your life. Wrote you big dream that you really want do it and told to everyone like you will make your dream come true. Do not feel weak whereas you are able to do anything.

free reading review of "the fox and the grapes"

Name : yulia sari
Npm   :16611015

One afternoon a fox was walking through the forest and spotted a bunch of grapes hanging from over a lofty branch,Just the thing to quench my thirst,quoted the fox,taking a few steps back, the fox jumped and just missed the hanginggrapes,Again the fox took a few paces back and tried to reach them but still failed,Finally, giving up, the fox turned up his nose and said, They’re probably sour anyway, and proceeded to walk away.

free reading 54th " everybody needs to relax"

Name : Kurnia fatmasari
NPM : 16611030
Type : free reading
Title  : Everybody needa to relax

Everyone  has their own busyness but we must to know that we should take a rest becouse our body can not be forced to work hard.  If our body is to weak due to many activities or work, we will be stress and fall ill. So we have to rest our bodies and mind, starting from small things like keeping a healty lifestyle by consuming lots og fruit and mineral water. We also positive thingking for all the thing that comes to us.

free reading review of"friends"

Name : Yulia sari

Bunny rabbit lived in the forest,he had many friends,he was proud of his friends,one day Bunny rabbit heard the loudbarking of the wild dogs,he was very scare,he decided to ask for help,he quickly went to his friend deer,he said: Dear friend, some wild dogs are chasing me, Can you chase them away with your sharp antlers?Dear said: That is right, I cab But now I am busy,why don’t you ask bear for help?Bunny rabbit ran to the bear,My dear friend you are very strong, please help me. Some wild dogs are after me, Please chase them away, he requested the bear,bear replied: I am sorry,I am hungry and tired. I need to find somefood, Please ask the monkey for help,Poor Bunny went to the monkey, elephant, goat and all his friends, Bunny felt sad that nobody was ready to help him,he understood that he has to think of a way out,he hid under a bush, he lay still the wild dogs went their way.

free reading 53th "Thimoty and Marry"

Name : kurnia fatmasari
NPM : 16611030
Type : free reading
Title  : Thimoty and Marry

Thimoty was 10 years old, but he has a secret and he loved someone. Love has effect for boys  and its what the thimoty felt. He loved a most beautyfull girl but not just beautiful, she also smart and friendly. Her name is Marry. Marry also was 10 yers old but she looked mature. Marry always helped everyone and also for thimoty. Its a reson why thimoty loved marry.

free reading 52th " the leaning tree"

Name : Kurnia Fatmasari
NPM : 16611030
Type : Free reading
Title  : The Leanibg tree

There are two person, rich and poor man, one rich and one poor. A rich man said that he was the richest and smartes man in the world. Someday he met a poor man and said that you are stupid and poor so you did not have a job but the poor man said that he has a job. His job was to keep this tree and he is given wages by his boss as much as 10 gold coins. The rich man was interested with his job. The rich man wil guard the tree  and the poor man will call his boss but it was trick from the poor man So do not feel that you are the only richest and smartes one in the world but in reality there are still more than you.

45 free reading " suprise!!!"


Kevin has not recently met his father because his father is having business outside the city. Some times he is never away from his father so he really miss his father now. and the moment came when his father would come home. he is very happy. he thinks he will be invited to a basketball match. Kevin and his mother drew up a plan for his father's return. at precisely six o'clock his father arrived home. he and his mother cooked his father's favorite food and his father was happy. and his father gave the bungga to the mother while for kevin doia gave the basketball. da Kevin felt very happy.

44 free reading "Butter"


 Linda is very confused to fill her spare time. He had cleaned up his whole apartment. linda wants to make artwork to fill her spare time. linda needs an inpiration to create a work of art. he was meliat in every corner of the living room but has not appeared his idea. he went to the kitchen and looked at her. when in the kitchen he found butter and he input it into the refrigerator. besides he also collects some kitchen utensils after that. he put some wax paper on the kitchen table. He then turns the switch on to the light. he also turned on the lights above the sink, living room lamps, and other lamps.Linda took butter in the refrigerator input and put the boat beside the wax paper. he made his butter to the right to the left. He pulled the stool to his shop and started working. He fiddled with the butter mass all night until he fell asleep. a beautiful ballerina, on one toes, gracefully twinkling in the sun. It felt like his soul melted like butter into the stool. In an instant, Linda was no longer angry and lonely.

43 free reading "Strawberry Girl"


Let's get called with Strawberry Girl. She has a small face and her nose is wrinkled when she is upset. Her work is as a teacher and her mother works as a nurse. When Mari was eleven, she worked on the farm. She has helped pick strawberries. he worked on the farm until he was fifteen. after getting out of work his mother sent him to school and he was very happy. Let's not make a cake that night. He said he was tired of being under the sun for so long. He went to Tokyo on Saturday, a day earlier than planned. He left all the strawberries on the kitchen table. Too much for her mother to eat. Some go bad at the beginning of the April heat wave.

42 free reading "Noah's Birthday"


when he was twenty-five years old, he married a man called natan. they have met in high school and they fall in love. Mera wedding day is the most fun day. because all his family are together and they are happy with it. but, this story is not really about her marriage to Nathan. two years after my wedding day, we have a beautiful child named nuh he is very similar to his father. when nuh is ten years old, they celebrate it usually merega have no expenses to celebrate. they made the cake bebebuk. because nuh sanagat like soccer. nuh very happy with this celebration.

41 free reading " Lindsay and her Piano"



since the age of five lindsay has played the piano. he is inspired by his brother who loves to play the piano. he thought the piano was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard. his teacher said if linda has the talent to play the piano. he has a future to play the piano. and the teacher said that he must be private.and when he was six years old his parents took him to the piano group, they found him the best teacher. during the upbringing by dr. Kim is getting better at playing the piano. at ten years of nuts he is the best piano player in his part of the country.Dr. Kim tells him that he will be at school soon, because he is one of the best piano players he has ever seen. He said he would talk to the school to help him. Since Dr. Kim goes to Juilliard himself, he knows a lot of good information for Lindsay.

Lindsay works harder. He plays piano for three or four hours every day, and sometimes longer.

A few weeks later, Lindsay got a letter from Juilliard saying that she had gone to school. She had never been so happy in her life, and she started crying because of her joy. His hard work has paid off, and now he's gone to the school he's dreamed of all his life.

40 free reading" my favourite babysistter"


he wants to be taken care by beth karna beth can sing and dance. Along the way beth sang a song for him. and he was very happy. besides singing beth can also cook good food for him. he is very happy if near beth. he feels that it is not like babysister but like a friend. how he talks, laughs, that behavior he really likes beth. besides his friend beth also his attitude is very similar to his mother. sleep sleeping on his lap by stroking his hair until he fell asleep exactly as his mother did when he was a child. and ultimately beth will go from his life. because beth haru college. and beth explain it. Beth gave her a painting. he always wished they would meet again. but he believes beth will slalu miss him. and until now he always menyangangi beth like his own friend.

19th Review

1. Your cells are listening
Every part of your body has its own consciousness or its own soul.
2. The path to freedom.
3. Guidelines for dynamic healing.
A regular meditation practice is necessary to train the brain.
When communicating, there are 3 key steps to gaining the cooperation of the body:
- approach your body with genuine compassion, understanding that it is made up of conscious celss who experiemce emotions
- build trust by engaging your body in mental conversations about your desire for the two of you to cooperate and overcome the ailment.
-allow changes in the conversation by using different thoughts that elicit spontaneous elevated emotions.
4. The force of human intention.
5. Sign of consciousness.
Spontaneous emotions were necessary in order to elicit on electrical reaction in the cells.
6. Raw creative healing ability.
Two particles of matter still behave as if they are connected

18th Review

- the classic battle between mind and heart.
Our inner mental processes (thinking,  doubting,  analyzing, discerning, judging, expecting) are often in conflict with our heart's deeper calling (feelings, intuitions,  aspirations, inspirations).
- bad agreements and 'soul contracts'
The quest for self healing and finding agreement goes beyond the conventional view of heart of mind bringing our hearts and heads into alignment help us to find and follow our path.
- disagreements between other levels.
- agreement as the key to self healing.
Self healing is a matter of harmonizing the layers that make up our complete selves and aligning them to work in unison together under a common agreement.

17th Review

the amount of depth, meaning, and joy I experience in my life is in direct proportion to how much love I have for my self.   The amount of love, kindness, patience, and kindness I have for my self, because we can't give others what we ourselves do not have.
The amount of all of it that I receive from others is also in direct proportion to how much of the same I have for my self.
Learning to love others begins with learning to love ourselves unconditionally first. But the most important,  if you do not express your authencity,  the universe will be deprived of who I came here to be.

16th Review

Happiness is only possible with true love.  True love has thr power to heal and transform the situation around us and bring a deep meaning to our lives.
There are people who understand the nature of true love and how to generate and nuture it.
- Love
The intentiob and capacity to offer joy and happiness
- Compassion
The intention and capacity to relieve and transform suffering and lighten sorrows.
- Joy
Contains happiness to ourselves and to the one we love.
- Equanimity or non attachment,  or non discriminating.
The ability to see everyone as equal,  not discriminating between ourselves and others.

15th Review

1. Train in the preliminaries that also known as the 4 reminders. In your daily life,  try to:
- maintain an awareness of the preciousness of human life
- be aware of the reality that life ends,  death comes for everyone
- recall that whatever you do
- contemplate that as long as you are too focused on self importance
2. Regard all dharmas as dreams
Whatever you experience in your life is like something happening in a dream.
3. Sending and taking should be practiced alternately.  These two should ride the breath.
4. Drive all blames into one.
5. Be grateful to everyone.
6. All dharma agrees at one point.
7. Of the two witnesses,  hold the principal one.
8. Always maintain only a joyful mind.
9. Abandon any hope of fruition.
10. Don't be so predictable.
11. Don't malign others.
12. Don't bring things at painful point.
13. Don't act with a twist.
14. All activities should be done with one intention.
15. Whichever of two occurs, be patient.
16. Train in the difficulties (or the three difficult practices).
17. Don't misinterpret.
18. Don't vacillate.
19. Train whole heartedly.

14th Review

We all strive to live our soul's purpose but, sometimes our mind conflicts with our feelings and causes confusion. With clarity of mind, or mindfulness, along with personal accountability and non-attachment to outcome,  we can have the courage to face any battle. The strength to face the challanges in our life always rewards us with a refinement and evolution of our soul regardless if we win or lose the battle. Sometimes it's the fear itself that dies (or an ego death) on this journey. Each one of us is here at this time for something greater than we can know or understand.
Being a peaceful warrior doesn't mean that you should be without your sword,  as you never know when you might be called to you sheathe it. You can stand fearlessly in whatever circumstance you may face.

Sunday 29 October 2017

13th Review

1. Accept that your situation is difficult.
Avoiding them will only make your life harder, try accepting that it's difficult instead. Accepting the reality of a difficult relationship allows us to soften and this softening will open the door to your own wisdom.
2. Don't take responsibility for their suffering.
The other person will probably tell you that you are the cause of all their bad feelings and this is not true. If you take responsibility for their suffering,  they will never have the opportunity to take it for themselves.
3. Tell the truth.
Be sure to them your truth instead of your judgment or what you imagine to be true for other people.
4. Keep you calm.
Do what you need to remain calm, so you can respond instead of react.
5. Have mercy.
Having kindness and forgiveness for this person will ultimately make your life better. Our mercy boomerangs back to us.

12th Review

Nothing can ever break the invisible thread between two people who are meant to be together
1. Red. The color red is strongly tied to attraction and desire. It is also the color of the string of fate that binds two soul mates.
2.Origins. The red string of fate is derived from an ancient East Asian belief. According to this myth, the Gods tie a red string around the ankles of those that are destined to meet each other or help each other in a certain way.
3. Like a soulmate? The concept is similar to the Western concept of a “soulmate” or a “twin flame.” What is different is that this proverb focuses more on the concept of being “bound” to someone rather than finding your other half.
4. The story. Like many old legends, the story behind the red string is somewhat problematic. It is said that walking home one night, a little boy saw an old man reading a book. He asked him what the book was about. The old man said it was a book of marriages, and told the young boy he was destined to marry one girl. When he showed the little boy the girl he was to marry, though….
5. Trouble. The boy didn’t like the idea because he didn’t want to get married. He threw a rock at her and ran away as fast as he could. Years later, a marriage was arranged between the boy and one of the most beautiful girls in the village. But, when he unveiled her he noticed…
6. Scarred.
7. What happens when it stretches and tangles? At the crux of this proverb is submitting to a higher power. Destiny will take its course, and in time all will fall into place. It is important not to fight the red thread.
8. Still takes work. Even if you find the person on the other end of the fateful red string, that doesn’t mean staying together will be easy. The proverb is meant to instill loyalty, devotion, and compassion. The string is also there to make sure lovers remain faithful to one another.
9. Infinite. No matter how near or far you are from the person, the thread remains.
10. In us all along.
12. Pinky Promise? In Japanese culture it is said the red string is tied around the pink finger. Hence the phrase “pinky swear.” Originally it indicated that the person who broke their promise had to cut off their pinky finger!
13. Not just lovers.
14. Freeing? The same writer interprets the red thread as liberating. “How much easier it feels to fling ourselves out into the unknown, into a new place or stage of our lives, knowing those red threads are there, winding out into the future as they always have been, holding onto souls that will be waiting to catch us, teach us, touch us, change us.”
15. Unbreakable. According to Wikipedia, “The two people connected by the red thread are destined lovers, never break.”

11 Review

This is true that our childhood stays with us forever. Those who were emotionally abused growing up, that can be a nightmare. It leaves scars, pain and sorrows that you don’t forget. Especially when it happens in your childhood. It stays with you for the rest of your life
These victims can lead to mental illness. In any case, how precisely do you carry on when you’re candidly mishandled as a tyke?

15. SHY

10th review

There is nothing more important than self-respect and your value so when you pick a boyfriend, consider all good things. This list will help every girl to figure out that they are dating the right guy and he truly respects her.
1. It makes you blush when he introduces you to his friends and family because he exaggerates your talents and greatest traits of your personality. 
2. He gets jealous when you talk about other guys you interact with. He feels jealous not because of trust but he knows your value and is afraid to lose you.
3. He has sexual goals focused on your pleasure, like getting you to climax multiple times, or trying out a new position he’s researched that supposedly feels great for women.
4. When you are talking to someone, either an old friend or anyone, and expressing a strong opinion- you will catch him in a corner or on your back seeing you, smiling and feeling proud of your stance and you. 
5. He loves to ask things about something you are really good at because you he knows you are the person he will get a perfect answer from and above all he genuinely enjoys learning from you. 
6. Sometimes he pushes you beyond your comfort zones to accomplish your dreams because you knows your strengths and believe in your talent. 
7. He’s not afraid of superlatives when complimenting you. 
8. He discusses everything with you and takes your opinion.
9. Whenever you are stressed or tense about something, he wished to be a better partner and desires to help you out.
10. When you say something nasty in a fight or argument, it doesn’t impact his view of you because he knows he is equally capable of saying something stupid in the heat of the moment. 
11.  When he hurts you, he takes your pain seriously and makes a heartfelt commitment to be more mindful of your feelings moving forward.
12. He is supportive and comes forward whenever you need any kind of help. He understand your needs and is helping in case you are facing.
13. If he does head somewhere without you, he’ll text saying that he wishes you were there—not just to flatter you, but because he really does have more fun when you’re around.

Free Reading "Pet dogs lower stress in kids" (30th)

Clarisa livia

Having a pet dog helps reduce the stress of children. A new study of 643 small children shows that caressing a dog really helps stressful children. They know dogs are great to help children develop.

There is a relationship between pet dog and child stress. Pet dogs help children start a conversation, although this is often difficult for children. A pet dog can entertain the children. They tell their pets all the secrets and stories. Sometimes a pet dog is so important that its name is the first word spoken by a child.

Free Reading "Women have to pay more in shops" (29th)

Clarisa Livia

The Times newspaper says that many women pay more than men in stores, this is because the products for women cost twice as much as men. For example, women's clothing and beauty products are 36 percent more expensive than men. There are some facts that there is a store charging $ 7 more for a pink scooter, while others charge twice the price for a pink razor. Levi 501 women's jeans are also 46 percent more expensive than Levi's for men.

The head of the women's committee and the equality of the British government called it a "rip-off". The Financial Times (FT) says that women can become busier and have less time to shop, or they pay more attention to the quality of men. However, FT said that men do pay more for some things.

70. The Turtle and the Swans - By ESL Garden

Years ago a turtle lived in a beautiful blue lake. Two white swans came to the lake every day to eat and soon became good friends with the tortoise. One day, the goose invited the turtle to visit their home. The turtle said, "But how can I get there? I can not fly, and I walk very slowly." then the goose helped the turtle to walk. Geese is very happy. They took the stick and asked the turtle to bite the middle. Then they each held one end and flew to the sky. Soon they flew over the royal palace. Everyone in the palace wanted to see the strange sight. The king chef came out and shouted, "What a skinny tortoise I hope it will fall, it will make a great dinner for the king! At this turtle can be silent. He forgets his promise not to open his mouth. He shouted at the cook, "Eat burnt wood on your stove!" But when he said that he fell, came down, to death with a violent crash right in the middle of the palace. The geese fly home alone, losing their friends.
If the turtle's pride gets better from him, he forgets that it is often better to remain silent than to answer in angry words. Because of his anger he lost his life.

Free Reading "Osteria Fransescana restaurant is the winner of 50 BWA 2016" (28th)

Clarisa Livia

After being second in 2015, Italian restaurant Osteria Fransescana is the winner of the 50 Best World Awards 2016. At the coronation ceremony, the chef and owner are Mr. Massimo Bottura says that their work is about art in the kitchen.

Winning the award was good for business, therefore the restaurant was fully booked until November. Mr. Bottura won his creative and original food, as well as his traditional ingredients to create a stunning form of cheese that no one has ever seen before. One of his most famous dishes is a dessert called, "Oops, I Dropped the Lemon Tart".

Free Reading "Money can buy happiness" (27th)

Clarisa Livia

Unlike the Beatles who say money can not buy happiness, new research says money can buy happiness. A study comparing the spending habits of 625 people with their individual personalities and concluding that buying the right stuff can cause happiness.

This study can change how people think about money and happiness. One researcher says that spending money can be more important in our lives than we think. He said that spending money on products that help us express who we are, can be just as important as our wellbeing because it can help us to find the right job or even the right friend.

Article 16th (Learning English Reading in A Mobile-Assisted Extensive Reading Program)

Learning through mobile devices greatly facilitates a person to learn. Read the one that people often do when using a mobile device. This study presents empirical evidence relating to mobile integration in extensive reading in natural settings. Previous studies of the Extensive Reading Program (ERP) have reached a positive conclusion, namely that ERP for language learners is effective in improving their linguistic skills related to reading and promoting their motivation and attitude towards reading. The purpose of this study is to address the gaps in this literature by investigating the impact of using mobile PC tablets in online ERP on online activities of adolescent learners, reading ability and user perceptions. The findings in reading materials assigned to mobile PC tablets are just a start for our understanding of the acquisition of knowledge in the mobile age; and, they are also a prelude to our understanding of learning and acquiring the ability to read in a foreign language. The assumption from this study, based on previous research is that extensive reading and e-book programs improve students' reading ability as well as their interests and attitudes toward reading. Many extensive reading principles are observed, such as reading for fun and freedom of choice of reading material. The study also proposes two directions for future studies on mobile readings. They include learners' textbooks and their reading strategies on mobile devices.

Annisa Masnasuri Kesai

Free Reading "Toyota closes elevators to save money" (26th)

Clarisa Livia

Toyota closed two lifts at its headquarters in Tokyo in order to save money as the Japanese yen gets stronger. In January, Toyota experienced a profit decline of $ 23 billion.

In addition to closing the elevator, Toyota also changed the ac temperature. This is the same thing that was done after the 2008 financial crisis. Toyota added that this was all done to remind them to reduce waste.

69. Racing Horses - By CompassMedia

the most important thing is to pay attention to your horse . The driver of the chariot and the horse should cooperate . However , you have a problem . When you are racing , you forget about your horse . When you are behind me , you want to catch up with me . And when you are ahead of me , you are afraid that I will catch up with you . So , whether you are ahead or behind , you are only concentrating on what I am doing , not on your horse . If you want to achieve victory , you must think only of your horses . Many years ago, a wise trainer named Wu taught the king how to ride horses and how to drive a chariot.
After some time, the king started to race. But no matter how often the king raced against Wu, he could never beat him. The king was very unsatisfied. He could not understand why he always lost.
He said to Wu, "You've taught me how to ride and how to drive a chariot. But I don't think that you have taught me how to race."

32 free reading "The Turtle and The Swans"

There is a tortoise that lived many years in a beautiful blue lake.This turtle has two good friends that are two swans who every morning always come to him in the lake.They are different but they are able to make friends with baik.Tidak see each other them. What kind of animals are they. At that time the swan invited the tortoise to come kerumahnya.Namun tortoise confused he can not fly, walking was slow. But the goose was willing to escort the origin of the turtle promised not to talk anything when the goose drove him.

68. How the Turtle Won the Race - By Diane

a turtle won a race. No matter who you are, no matter what you do, it is important for you not to give up in your work. It is important that you know within you that you can move mountains if you need and want them. Just take the story of a turtle who won a race against a fast-paced bunny. As hard as it looks, even the slowest can still win. and here I will say that, do not emnila someone from the physical alone. because the physical is not a picture of all abilities and what we can do, do not take the person trivial because of your greatness. because the smart will lose with the diligent, tekadang we have to learn from the turtle turtle

Free Reading ( Keep pn Walking)

Keep On Walking

A black man named Dave, he is a slave in Tenesse's cattle. When the 2 sons are their masters over when and they will fall into the water and die. Dave could have killed him but he was not that bad, dave ran home to the lady and mistress after Dave told them they were shouting. And asking someone to save her, Dave runs to the river to jump and save them. And after that you promised Dave to get freedom after a year of work, when the farm was successful, you called dave and gave dave freedom. Then you bought old things and tied up at the end of Dave's wand, the lady and her children were crying and when Dave walked you yelled "Dave I love you, lady love you and the kids love you, Dave replied, then sir remind" you're free but not as free as a white man. "Dave kept walking until he reached Canada because there was no slavery there.

Free Reading (Creazy Festival)

Creazy Festival

Many crazy festivals in the world. At Tomatina near Valencia, Spain is a big food battle, every year on Wednesday. Emreka did this since 1945, they throw tomatoes and usually spend 15,000,000 tomatoes and use low quality at cheap prices.The baseball festival in Nejava, El savador is most dangerous in the world because they use fireballs made of old clothes and they wear wet clothes and wear masks. That's because they commemorate the local saint St. Jerome fight with the devil.In the Nevada desert is a great week-long festival, they are not allowed to spend money unless they buy ice and coffee, they can only exchange food with drinks, exchange without money.Holi is a Hindu festival they bring many colors to the field like dry and brightly colored paint, they run to run in the field so it becomes beautiful.

Free Reading ( The Benefits of Chocolate)

The benefits of chocolate?

Since we were young we learned about healthy foods and unhealthy healthy foods are very important for the body.So what about chocolate?Chocolate is made from cocoa beans, contains high levels of flavonols and it is not a vitamin or mineral.But falvonol proved to support blood flow and even prevent heart disease and even cancer.Some of the chocolate that is sold has been mixed with milk so that the flavonol level becomes low except dark brown. other than flavanol cocoa beans also contain fat, but one of the most high foods in flavanols is Broccoli.

Free Reading "Educators recommend more outdoor learning" (25th)

Clarisa Livia

Researchers say children should learn more outdoors because outdoor learning is important for social skills, health, development, and better quality of life. The researchers want all schools to do more learning outdoors because there are still a few schools that do this.

There are many benefits of learning outdoors for children, one of which is building confidence in children. Like climbing trees, it teaches children to know and respect nature.

Free reading ( Christmas in New Zealand)

Christmas in New Zealand

Christmas is the most important in New Zealand because there are many religions, it is Christmas day in New Zealand. They attended church services with their families. But for others Christmas is a holiday in mid-summer. Christmas falls on December 25 and December 26 is also a public holiday. In New Zealand they usually vacation in the ocean and stay at the camp with the Christmas tree and wear winter clothes and a great meal in the evening. And there will also see Father Christmas with summer clothes. And the children there are given an attendance with the Father Christmas and they must be a good boy. And under the christmas tree will be sung songs for peace.