Sunday, 1 October 2017

free reading"move on , do better"

Name : yulia sari
Npm : 16611015

Everybody so have the bes't feeling in the world , but any some one can go throught the worst.
And than make your feelings as such you feelings posibble , you must choose and promise make your yourself be better life everyday , that is time you move on and don't remember , whatever you feel the past story, don't forget or don't remember all of them , your happent because that can make you distrup your everybody life , if you wan't move on , you must really thing about that , that reason can make your self move on , remember that makes you broke and really down , stay away that makes you remember story bad with them , space is more important , you can be able space and sme as the all.
The important why you must , take a spaece when it come to break up.

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