Saturday 28 October 2017

Free Reading : Spicy food linked to higher testosterone levels

       Do not be afraid to eat spicy for the men is very useful. Scientists have found a link between spicy food and testosterone in men. Testosterone is a chemical substance in our body that controls sexual development. Men produce up to 20 times more. Higher levels of testosterone usually make men more sexually active, daring and risk takers bigger. The coauthor of the report said that the study is in line with many studies that link testosterone with financial, sexual and behavioral decision making.
         The study looked at how 114 men liked spicy food. The men put hot pepper sauce on mashed potatoes. They then evaluate his spiciness. The researchers tested the man's saliva. People who put more hot sauces on their potatoes have higher testosterone levels. This study is too small to prove the link between spice and testosterone. Anything else can make people love spicy food. These include genetics, culture and psychology.

Written by Krisna Ismawati (16611075)

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