Saturday 28 October 2017

Free Reading: Jungle people with almost no Heart problems.

        New facts reveal that the people of Tsimane from Bolivia have the healthiest heart in the world. They barely have the risk of heart disease. Vegetable diet and physical activity mean they also have low blood pressure, and low cholesterol and blood glucose levels. They have a strong cardiovascular system. It avoids many major killers, such as heart attacks, strokes and diabetes. The 80-year-old Tsimane is the same cardiovascular age as Americans in their mid-50s.
       One researcher said: "Coronary disease can be avoided if people adopt the Tsimane lifestyle elements, such as keeping their cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar very low, not smoking and being physically active." He said that Tsimane had a very small coronary disease, but noted this was difficult to achieve in the industrial world. He advises people to change, "to prevent a condition that we think will ultimately affect almost all of us".

Written by Krisna Ismawati (16611075)

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