Friday 27 October 2017

Free Reading 64th "Healthy Fast Food Choices"

Name : Desi Natalia
NPM : 16611028
  Title Healthy Fast Food Choices

Screenshoot of the cover
This story tells about how we choose to eat healthy and unhealthy foods. in the midst of our busy life, we do not have much time to take care of ourselves, such as preparing healthy food for ourselves. we often ignore the food that entered to our bodies, we eat fast food, without thinking thats food healthy or not, also we often ignore the impact that will result from the food.
In this story we learn about how to choose healthy food from fast food in the restaurants, the first way is we must to choose foods that have a little fat content, the food is not fried is a good food. for example you can order a salad with a grilled chicken sandwich.
 the second way, you can order food with a portion of half or small size to own. this will help you to reduce excessive calories when you eat restaurant. so you can save money when you order smaller portions. 
 From this story I learned that we should be able to choose good foods for our bodies and to know foods that are not good for our bodies.

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