Saturday 28 October 2017

Article 3rd (Reading Motivation and Later Reading Achievement for Student with Reading Disabilities and Comparison Group)

This study provides evidence of reduced reading motivation from time to time for all students, consistent with our first predictions and with changes in previously documented developments of intrinsic and social motivation in the general population of students. In particular, the main effect of time is interpreted as a decrease in ementary motivation to the secondary school level. This study examined the relationship between reading time between reading motivation and reading achievement later for students with reading ability (RD) and comparison groups (ADHD and typical). More importantly, the decreased motivation assessed on MRQ parallels the decline in reading behavior indicators over time in the RAI (i.e, with fewer reading activities and less reading for pleasure). In other words, and as predicted, more motivation is avoided based on students who have experienced low reading (low achievement).
It also predicts that early reading failure will interact with time and produce group differences in motivation and subsequent reading. In this study, such interactions are essential for intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

Annisa Masnasuri Kesai

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