Saturday 28 October 2017

39th free reading (Review of Sandwich)

   The first thing that we think when we want to go picnic is about food. Yea, sandwich can be our best friend when we are going on a picnic. This food is the type of food that is easy to bring along. It’s not easily spoiled too and they really taste good. Thus is the kind of food that we will really want to have. So we should know the basics of making sandwiches. 
   First thing that we need to make sandwich is bread. Just make sure that we are choosing the bread that is made fresh. So the bread will still be great. Next, after we choose the bread,  we should choose  the food that we will put inside it. We may choose vegetables or fruit to fill it. Surely, these sandwiches will give us a great and happy time out under the sun.

Written by : Threesa Afrulli (16611012)

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