Tuesday 5 December 2017

Free reading : Adidas to make shoes from ocean garbage

Name : Krisna Ismawati
Npm. : 16611075

"Adidas to make shoes from ocean garbage"

Adidas has made sport shoes from marine waste. He hopes this will raise awareness of the problem of marine pollution. Adidas has joined an organization called Parley, which protects the oceans on Earth. Founder The goal is to raise public awareness and to protect and conserve the oceans. We are very proud that Adidas joins us to show that turning marine plastic into something cool.
Garbage in the sea is a big problem. Adidas uses this plastic to make his new coach. Adidas said it will release a new coach later this year. In other eco-friendly projects, the sports equipment maker will stop using plastic bags in its stores around the world. It will happen soon.

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