Sunday 31 December 2017

Review of 22th book: The Wave


I have some interesting impression after reading this book. In my opinion, this book is really recommended to read. The first thing that I like is we can learn history while reading this book because this book is about the ancient times, that is in the days of Adolf Hitler. Here the authors convey a message that how bad Adolf's treatment in ancient times, then it turns out that Adolf's thing happened to a school-Gordon. There is a teacher using learning tricks to make his students more disciplined. But in the end he realized that his actions were the same thing that Adolf did. The teacher creates a salute called "The Wave". More and more followers, The Wave is getting worse in the eyes of some people because the movement invites some disputes between the members of The Wave and those who are not members of The Wave. I quite understand the story in this book, and I am very excited because there are many lessons we can take after reading this book. We will also become more aware in doing something.

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