Saturday 30 December 2017

Articles 24th "Listening while reading promotes word learning from stories"

Name : Desi Natalia
NPM : 16611028
Title Listening while reading promotes word learning
from stories

Screenshot of the cover

This article is about Listening while reading promotes word learning
of the story. Reading and listening to stories present the expansion of vocabulary so we be able to get know new words. When reading and listening is more effective in adding and developing new words than just being given a form. This study focuses on children's learning on phonology, orthography, and
semantic information about the words encountered in the framework of the story.
Samples taken from 71 children (children aged 8 and 9 years) hit a story
contains new words in one of three conditions are listening, read, simultaneous listening and reading (''composite 'condition).
Half of the words of the story are offered with a definition, and half are presented without a definition.
 Phonological and orthographic learning is assessed during duty.
Semantic learning is calculated through three task assessments with categories of each word, subcategory, and definitions.
Phonological learning is observed in all circumstances.
This study shows that children aged 8 or 9 years are capable to take out information about new words from a story and that the modalities of the appearance of the story affect the nature and level of their learning.
The practical allegation of these findings for the classroom is that children be able to learn
information about the phonological form, orthographic form, and the connotation of new words when
they are listening and / or reading the story.

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