Saturday 30 December 2017

26th Book : Smile to Go

Name : Krisna Ismawati
Npm : 16611075

"Smile to Go"

Will Tuppence has just discovered what everything in the universe is made of has been destroyed. This upsets him a great deal, because it means nothing can last. Will wants to talk about the implications of protons disappearing at his weekly Monopoly game with his best friends. Will contemplates the implications of the proton even more, especially at church, when he decides angels and heaven are non-stuff, so maybe he’ll actually go on forever in that way.  He’d get really wrapped up in it, but snaps out of it frequently because his little sister Tabby keeps bothering him PLUS he’s training for a chess tournament  PLUS he’s worried that Mi-Su likes BT better than him . Will talks to BT’s dad about protons, and Mr. Bontempo totally gets it,  but warns Will against sophilism, which means “the self is the only reality” .  Will also asks the five-year old next door Korbet for some love advice, since Korbet  LOVES Tabby but Tabby ignores him. The advice Korbet gives is really encouraging to Will, since Korbet just gets back up and keeps going.

Tabby doesn’t know how to show her big brother she loves him, so she’s super interested in everything he does, all of his buddies, everything. She annoys the loving bejeezus out of him, and Will snaps the day before his chess tournament. He says he won’t go if Tabby goes because she’ll ruin his concentration.  Well, she doesn’t go, and Tabby gets away from the babysitter and skateboards down Dead Man’s Hill. She ends up in the hospital and needs a ventilator to help her breathe, and she’s in an induced coma.  Mrs. Tuppence has a long talk with Will about how he doesn’t seem to care about Tabby, and she asks if he even knows the color of her eyes. He finds out that annoying him is how she shows she loves him.  Tabby wakes up, and everything is better than before now that Will understands his sister a little better.

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