Friday 8 December 2017

41st article"The Listening Behavior in the Didactic Activity "

Name : Nurmala Eka Putri
Npm : 16611025

The Listening Behavior in the Didactic Activity
Listening is one of the foundations of communication. Any improvement is the listening behavior of individuals brought about by
the teaching of listening skills would indeed be of great value. The teaching of listening skills, however, may not be effective
because we do not know enough about the listening process to be able to specify which aspects of it are teachable and what are
the most effective methods of improving it.
Listening behavior represents a rather complex psychological problem. It involves perceptual factors, social
factors, motivational factors and intellectual factors. It also involves complex interrelationships between the listener,
the speaker and the message. Listening does not take place in a vacuum. The listening behavior of an individual is a
function of whom he listens to, what he listens to, why he listens, when he listens and so on.

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