Saturday 30 December 2017

free reading 119 " Blind imitation is bad "

Name : Kurnia Fatmasari
NPM : 16611030
Type : free reading
Title  : Blind imitation is bad

There is a saint who invited his students to go to a place to see there is a pond full of fish. The holy man stood on the shore and took the fish and put into his mouth. The disciples followed the actions performed by the saint but the saint did  not tell them to do so. A few moments later they headed to a pond that no fish. The saint spewed the fish and he has swallowed. The students were surprised and they tried to do the same thing but they still could not. The saint said that "Fools, when you do not know how to keep fish in your belly, why are you imitating me?" So do not ever imitate doing things you can not do.

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