Saturday 30 December 2017

Article 14 " Student preception on the development of speaking skills "

Name : Kurnia Fatmasari
NPM : 16611030
Type : Article
Title  : Student preception on the development of speaking skills

This study aims to evaluate students' perceptions and perspectives about their progress in speaking skills courses in the English Language Preparation program at the Sakarya University Faculty of Letters. This study uses the CIPP model developed by Stufflebeam to measure students' perception of the effectiveness of the course. CIPP model consists of four core concepts: context, input, process, and product evaluation. in the learning process using questionnaires and the purpose of this study to determine the weaknesses and advantages of its procedural design. the researcher argues that students prefer learning models that are team or group work. and, the learning modules that are often used and also liked by students are presentations with open questions. so it can be said that they do not like the class and they prefer interactive, entertaining and cooprative tasks in their learning process.

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