Sunday, 10 December 2017

9th free reading

9th free reading 

The text tell above screen time before bed is bad for children. Researchers from the University of Colorado found that "screen time" before sleeping damages children's health. The researchers looked at over 60 different studies on how screen time affects children. They said: "Of more than five dozen studies looking at children aged from 5 to 17 around the world, 90 per cent have found that more screen time is associated with delayed bedtime, fewer hours of sleep, and poorer sleep quality." The researchers highlighted three main reasons how screens affect children's sleep. First, the light from screens upsets a child's body clock. The light from screens getting into children's eyes before they sleep tricks their body into thinking it is still daytime. Second, children often watch videos of things that excite them or interest them. This keeps their brain active, so they take longer to sleep. Finally, when children are watching screens, they are not exercising. Children need physical activity to make them tired. So , that is bad for children to watch TV, tablet or mobile phone screens before bedtime.

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