Saturday 9 December 2017

31. free reading "Diponegoro - By Paul Nation"

Indonesia is now a free country but 180 years ago it was not free. It was in the hands of the Dutch. The Indonesian people were very poor because they had to pay a lot of money to the Dutch, and only a few Indonesians went to school. Because of these things most of the kings of Java and of the other Indonesian islands as well as the Indonesian people were against the Dutch, and they wanted to free their country from their rule. One day a group of brave people attacked the Dutch. Diponegoro was the leader of these brave people.
Diponegoro was born the son of a king in 1785. He was a Muslim and he loved his people and his country . In 1825 the Dutch decided to build a Diponegoro told them to stop road through his land .
Diponegoro is now a famous name in Indonesia. People remember his brave fight for his countryagainst Dutch ruleIn almost every town in Indonesia you can find a Diponegoro street and in oneof the biggest towns in Java you will find the Diponegoro University.

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