Thursday 2 November 2017

Free Reading : Trendy names make vegetable look tastier

Name : Krisna Ismawati
Npm : 16611075

"Trendy names make vegetable look tastier"

      People eat more vegetables if they have trendy labels. Researchers found that vegetable sales rose by 25% if they had a trendy-sounding name. An example of a trendy label is "carrots sparkling oranges".
     Researchers create a variety of options to see how effective the label is. They use lots of vegetables in their exams. They use names like "chilli dynamite" and "lime-containing bits". They say that plates with trendy labels are 25% more popular than "basic" labels, and 41% more popular than other labels. A researcher says: "Labels can really affect our sensory experiences, affecting how delicious we think food will become."

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