Saturday 4 November 2017

70th Free Reading (Growing Tall)

Name                    : Roro Wulandari
NPM                      : 16611074
Tittle of reading materials: Growing Tall
Screenshot of reading cover :      
Types of Reading: Free Reading

This text is about how to grow as tallest as we want. But the most important thing that we should notice is Genetics cause. But we can grow taller if we do several things that has been mentioned at this text. The first thing that should we do is sleep right. If we sleep right, the hormones that will make us taller are released in our bodies. The second things is make sure that we eat and drink right and good food and drink. And we must make sure that we avoid the things that will stop our growth. Actually, is text is good, but I little bit do not like when it talks about genetic parts. It makes me feel intimidated. But the tips that given in this text are useful for people that want to be taller, or as tallest as they want.

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