Thursday 2 November 2017

Free Reading : We need to prepare for the Internet of things

Name : Krisna Ismawati
Npm : 16611075

"We need to prepare for the Internet of things"

      A technology analyst warns that we may not be ready for Internet Things and the next stage of digital revolution. This will change our lives because all our devices will be connected. A technology research firm predicts that by 2020, nearly 26 billion devices will be on Internet Things. They will communicate with each other. Our fridge would order milk if we needed more.
        The Internet of Things has, "the potential to drive fundamental economic and social change." However, there are "serious hurdles" in order to be ready in time to build a new data storage center, and data security. A cyber security expert warns "undesirable consequences "because of the number of connected devices. He predicts that privacy will be a big concern as everything will connect to the Internet.

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