Wednesday 1 November 2017

Free Reading : Instagrammable

Name : Krisna Ismawati
Npm : 16611075


       This text tells about three young women today who are in the restaurant for dinner, but two of them are Debbie and Luna just busy selfie and then upload to their respective instagram. Until upset Marsya because he has been starving since noon.
       Not long after the sound of shouting came and the crowd came to the restaurant, and it turned out that the owner of the followers most of them came to the restaurant for dinner, he was named Brian. A good-looking man with lots of young women idolized. Debbie and Luna are shocked to see Brian, they are waiting for Brian to find a seat because they want to sit close together. While waiting they wanted to order food and they searched for Marsya because they just realized that Marsya was not with them since they were busy selfie. As they waited for Marsya, they saw Brian's Instagram and he posted a photo when he was at the restaurant and the photo was seen on the face of Marsya ..

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