Wednesday 1 November 2017

Free Reading : "Dangke"

Name : Krisna Ismawati
Npm : 16611075


      From this short story I get new information and very interesting about the typical Indonesian cheese. Yup, you must have heard right? Dangke is one type of cheese produced originally from Indonesia. Dangke made from buffalo milk or cow, which in if and cheese.
        Unique Indonesian cheese is made with a natural process, the process of making it using papaya leaves as a wrapper cheese that has not fully finished, after the half-cooked cheese wrapped with banana leaves. This cheese is made from Bugis, Sulawesi. The origin of this cheese is named Dangke is the adoption of the Dutch "Dank je" which means "thank you". Dangke actually has long been made, since the 1900s, and most people eat this dangke cheese accompanied by warm rice and chili paste. Delicious is not it? and native Indonesia of course, good luck.

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