Thursday 2 November 2017

Free Reading : "First all-hijab collection at New York fashion week"

Name : Krisna Ismawati
Npm : 16611075

"First all-hijab collection at New York fashion week"

      Good news for us Indonesia, for the first time history was made in New York Fashion Week when there is a collection where every model wears a hijab. Already a lot of news recently. Muslim designer Anniesa Hasibuan wants to show how her hijab style. The 30-year-old artist amazed the audience with her design and got a standing ovation. She is the first Indonesian to appear in a major global fashion event.
        Other fashion stores use Islamic designs. H & M released an advertisement with Muslim models in a hijab. Dolce and Gabbana make hijabs for wealthy Muslim customers. Not everyone is happy with the new veil mode. There are those who say it is not Islamic. A professor The Islamic study says: "The core of Muslim clothing is to wear something worthy, to be simple.

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