Wednesday 15 November 2017

free reading 27th 6 Ways to Look More Confident During a Presentation

Sintya Nurceha

6 Ways to Look More Confident During a Presentation

This article tells about,
 how can you send out the same signals—and hopefully generate the same success? At the Center for Body Language, weve studied successful leaders across a range of fields and identified several positions which are indicators of effective, persuasive body language.

 Holding the ball

Gesturing as if you were holding a basketball between your hands is an indicator of confidence and control, as if you almost literally have the facts at your fingertips hands.

-Pyramid hands
 When people are nervous, their hands often flit about and fidget.
-Wide stance
 How people stand is a strong indicator of their mindset.
 -Palms up
This gesture indicates openness and honesty.
- Palms down
The opposite movement can be viewed positively too—as a sign of strength, authority and assertiveness.

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