Wednesday 15 November 2017


Lesson on Chemistry

From the text I read Scientists They found a special way to photograph molecules. Molecules are the building blocks in the cells in our body. Everything and everyone is made up of molecules. The scientists developed a technique called cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM). This allows top-level scientists to be amazing. Scientists can now see things in our body never seen before. They can see how life building blocks move. This technique has "transferred biochemistry into a new era will no longer be a secret.Now we can see ... detail [body] in every corner of our cells and every drop of our body.We can understand how the building was built and how it works and how they work together .... We are facing a biochemical revolution. "A professor says there are many practical uses for this technique. Scientists can now see the building blocks of the virus and find a cure for many diseases.

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