Saturday 4 November 2017

66th Free Reading (The Longest Game of “Tag!”)

Name                    : Roro Wulandari
NPM                      : 16611074
Tittle of reading materials: The Longest Game of “Tag!”
Screenshot of reading cover :              
Types of Reading: Free Reading

This is a story about ten men that have played game “Tag” for around 23 years. This game called “tag” or somebody call it “it”. They played the game although they have been separated for thousands miles. They are normal persons and they have normal jobs like common people.They palyed this game only in February.  They played this game to keep in their contact. This game made one of those men stress in the end of February. He did many strange things, because he worried if one of his friend came and tag him. 
This story is very interesting and inspiring. They have done so good thing. They can keep their friendship until they’re old. I want to be like them. they have a good idea to keep in contact each other. They have good principle in their life. Although many people told them to stop to do the game because it make them to be childish,but they did not want to do that. They thought that they would do the game until the rest of their life, because they thought that they are never too young to have fun. That’s so good thought.

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