Thursday 30 November 2017

Tiara Agustina
Free Reading (108th)


In the US google has provided links for people who want to check mental health through online means. Google has partnered with the US National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI) in the project. This is done so that people know if he is depressed and need a doctor or not. When people. know what happens to their mental health, it will be quickly handled by the medical authorities. The advantage is to reduce the existing mental health risks. How google works in checking that is, we will be given 9 questions that will answer how our mental state. They hope this system can be done not only in the US.

Tiara Agustina

Free Reading (107th)

U.K will start a new project to help men with fatherhood. The reason they do the training in men is to lead the family well. Divorce is very risky on the growth of children, especially the need for a father's role as an adult. The good hubs created will have an effect on the child's mental apparatus. Can we imagine what would happen if the divorce could not be overcome, would risk the younger generations. The children will do a lot of social deviation because of lack of attention of a father.

Wednesday 29 November 2017

Free Reading " ZIKA" Resti R A 16611006

The World Health Organization (WHO) says the Zika virus outbreaks in Latin America could be more serious than the Ebola virus that has killed more than 11,000 people in West Africa in 2014 and 2015. Zika's virus spreads explosively and causes a disease called microcephaly. This is where babies are born with smaller heads than usual, and with brain damage. This is a big problem that will be a nightmare for everyone, especially mothers of pregnant women.

Free Reading "Asteroid" Resti R A 16611006

The small country of Luxembourg has just invested heavily in the future asteroid industry and they are planning something to help travel to Mars and beyond. The purpose of all this is to open access to a wealth of previously unexplored mineral resources through space, without destroying natural habitats. But they can not add asteroids because they assume that the natural resources in space are part of the 'common heritage' of mankind, so this is very difficult to do in a short time.

Free Reading "Apps" Resti RA 16611006

The Bytedance Company is not only the owner of one of the largest news apps in the world, called Today's Headlines which has 120 million active daily users, but also the owner of a very popular social video app, for $ 1 billion starting in Shanghai in 2014 which has 60 million active monthly users. This app is a favorite of young people there because of many advantages among another applications.

Free Reading Resti R A 16611006

Many women in Tokyo disagree about the prohibition of putting on make-up while riding on trains. The new prohibition is made because coincidence their powder spills,contaminate the train and distrubing the others.  But women still disagree because another  thing such as people who talk loudly when calling is also a nuisance  from people with body odor more annoying the passenger in the train  people

Monday 27 November 2017

Free reading 20 "story "

Adelia Nurfayanti 

The greatest comedy on Earth is how love crushes everything, but we can not make it all.
The most painful is not the pain we suffer from each other. The most painful is ... I love you ....
Now please let me drown in loneliness again. Loneliness and me. We are two best friends. We are lovers. My other love, is pain. Loneliness, me and pain. Three of us. We are addicted to each other. No matter where we run, we always come back to hug each other.

Free reading 19 " Roro Jonggrang"

Roro Jonggrang A legend. Roro jonggrang is a beautiful princess. many men want to marry her. then came Bandung Banduwoso who is deeply in love with Roro Jonggrang's beauty and he is eager to marry her. Roro Jonggrang gave a condition to Bandung Banduwoso that he prepared to build a thousand temples for him overnight. and finally bandung banduwoso willing to do it. when the temple was almost finished with the number 999 temples. because Roro does not like to Bandung then he tried to thwart Bandung by way of blowing rice grinder pounder so that ayampun crowed. then Bandung can not finish it. because very angry to Roro Jonggrang then he cursed Roro Jonggrang become a statue. so complete into 1000 statues. the moral message is not to give hope to others. do not break any agreed-upon promises for any reason.

Adelia Nurfayanti

Free reading 18

who does not know the story of deer and crocodile. surely for us it is a familiar story to hear. stories deer and crocodile is a fairy tale that is often told by parents to their children. once when I was a kid I never tired of hearing this story. I even asked repeatedly to my father's man to tell it again. adulthood I just realized that behind the story of deer and crocodile there is a moral message do not be a greedy, cruel, who likes to underestimate the ability of others, do not feel ourselves the most powerful, because look crocodile crocodile is because his pride and greed he is very easy to perdaya by a mouse deer. so here we take the conclusion of life with full of virtue.

Adelia Nurfayanti

Free reading 17 " timun mas"

this story tells of a poor couple living in a remote village. they have long been married but not given offspring. so one day he asks for help to Buto Ijo so he gives the child to them. and finally buto ijo helped them. pregnant is the woman, bteenyata her daughter and named Timun Mas. according to the agreement that the adult Timun Mas he must submit the cucumber mas to be eaten. but Timun Mas in various ways to defeat Buto Ijo. and finally Buto Ijo drowned. the moral message we can take is when we help others do not expect a reward, because we will be crushed when we are less clingy.

Adelia Nurfayanti

Sunday 26 November 2017

Free reading 16

the moral message of this story is that we must be able to withhold emotion. and when we are angry do not blame emosindengan insulting or berating other people. we must be wise in facing every problem. we can see here how sad life of toba he lost everything just because he can not keep his emotions. he lost his wife and three children whom he loved. even he harmed many people. just because he breaks his promise and he insults his wife's masalalu. the conclusion is to be a wise person in any case. and do not break the promise, for there will be only the destruction we get.

Adelia Nurfayanti

Saturday 25 November 2017

The Quiet Queen

In the country there is a white castle on a mountain. The king and his lovely wife live in the palace. One day, a naughty boy jumps into the castle garden and he meets the queen. He looked very sad. "What's wrong? Princess sad because yes not ready to be queen, many people who do not like her because she is too quiet, man iku trying to convince princess that she surely can and have many advantages, daughter also think the same with that man, now daughter more confident, and doing good things to everyone, people now like a quiet princess.                                                                                                                                              khairunnisa 16611071

The Candy Mountain

 live a poor family in a small town, one of the children of a family named charles Sometimes they are very hungry all day, but they all love each other so they are usually very happy. Every night, Charles dreamed of something more delicious than vegetable soup and rice, he was desperate for CANDY! But he never told this man because he knew his family could not buy candy for him. One day, a good fairy hears Charles'When Charles walking home from school, he sees a poster in Candy Mountain. Charles was shocked! He does not know that there is a real mountain made of any kind of candy! "Oh, this is the place I dreamed of!" He thought. She touched the poster and something magical happened. A clown jumps out of the poster and invites charlie into the poster, where charlie really sees and gets lots of candy, although he is happy to be there but he will not forget his family, he goes home and thanks to the bolt.


Thursday 23 November 2017

Free Reading "Asteroid"Resti R A 16611006

The small country of Luxembourg has just invested heavily in the future asteroid industry and they are planning something to help travel to Mars and beyond. The purpose of all this is to open access to a wealth of previously unexplored mineral resources through space, without destroying natural habitats. But they can not add asteroids because they assume that the natural resources in space are part of the 'common heritage' of mankind, so this is very difficult to do in a short time.

Free reading 15 " legenda rawa pening"

from this story we get the moral message that when someone should ask for help we should give them help. because every good deed will get a good reply too. but the fifth we are reluctant to do good to our fellow pasto someday we will also get the appropriate reply, according to the evil that we do. be a man of goodness to others and live in peace.

Adelia nurfayanti

Free Reading "Bananas in Danger of Becoming Extinct " Resti R A 16611006

Bananas in Danger of Becoming Extinct
Fungus called Tropical Race 4 (TP4) has killed millions of banana plants discovered by scientists in Malaysia in 1990 that have spread to other parts of Southeast Asia and then to Australia and Africa. It spreads in the dirt brought by wind, water, cars and even people's shoes. This is bad news for banana lovers, because bananas are threatened with extinction and we can not enjoy the delicacy of bananas that have many benefits for health as it increasingly becomes extinct.

Free reading "the story of Bawang merah dan Bawang putih

this story tells the story of the folklore of a widow who has two daughters, one daughters named Bawang Merah, and the other one is the Bawang Putih of her stepson. the widow is so unfair she is good and affectionate to the Bawang Merah whereas she is very evil to Bawang Putih, they just want to have the treasure of the Bawang Putih parent's inheritance, in the end the good guy would aka win. Bawang Merah and her mother feel the consequences of his evil deeds to Bawang putih, and Bawang Putih live happily.

Adelia nurfayanti

Free Reading "Bananas in Danger of Becoming Extinct" Resti R A 16611006

Bananas in Danger of Becoming Extinct

Fungus called Tropical Race 4 (TP4) has killed millions of banana plants discovered by scientists in Malaysia in 1990 that have spread to other parts of Southeast Asia and then to Australia and Africa. It spreads in the dirt brought by wind, water, cars and even people's shoes. This is bad news for banana lovers, because bananas are threatened with extinction and we can not enjoy the delicacy of bananas that have many benefits for health as it increasingly becomes extinct.

Free Reading "School Teaches Baby Orangutans Survival Skills" Resti R A 16611006

School Teaches Baby Orangutans Survival Skills
A special orangutan school established by the International Animal Rescue (IAR) aims to save and rehabilitate a lot of orangutans as safely as possible. World Wildlife Fund estimates there are about 45,000 to 69,000 orangutans in Borneo, but their numbers are declining, as many baby orangutans lose their parents due to illegal hunting, habitat loss and forest fires. They even die and many of them are sold as pets. And this is one way to preserve Orangutans from extinction.

Tuesday 21 November 2017

free reading 45th The Disappearing American Grad Student

sintya nurceha

free reading

The Disappearing American Grad Student

        “You can believe that U.S. bachelor’s students, if they’re good, can go get a job at Microsoft or Google with a bachelor’s degree,” said Edward D. Lazowska, a professor of computer science at the University of Washington.

     Master’s grads are valued more, but not enough more for American students to get a master’s degree,” said Mr. Partovi, a founder of, a nonprofit that promotes computer science in grade school and high school.

free reading 44th 7 questions interesting people ask in conversations

sintya nurceha
free reading

7 questions interesting people ask in conversations

This article explain about the variation of ask people in conversation
   You meet someone for the first time, get his or her name, and strike up a conversation.

The next thing out of your mouth may be:

What's up?
What do you do?
Where are you from?
Instead of asking the casual, basic stuff we're all tired of answering, hit 'em up with these great conversational questions, beginning with my number one most favorite question.
 What's your story?
 What was the highlight of your day (or week)?
 What is one of your most defining moments in life?

free reading 43th The surprising health benefits of drinking beer

sintya nurceha
free reading

 The surprising health benefits of drinking beer

This article tells about good sides when you drinks beer
 The research, conducted among Chinese adults, discovered that  moderate daily alcohol intake (most visible with beer) helps slow the decline of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or "good" cholesterol, better than not drinking at all.
 1.Beer protects you from heart attacks
 2. Beer reduces the risk of strokes
3. Beer strengthens your bones
4. Beer decreases the chance of diabetes.

free reading 42th Reading books is a major key to success. Here’s how you make it a habit

sintya nurceha
free reading

Reading books is a major key to success. Here’s how you make it a habit

 This article tell that everyone have  to read on day ,if they want to br successfully.
 Reading books is a major key to success. The mega-rich and successful like Bill Gates and Elon Musk devote extraordinary amounts of their time to reading.

 he benefits of flexing your reading muscles are clear. But reading is time-consuming and as a busy professional, it’s almost impossible to both find the time to read and actually stay focused enough to reap the benefits when deadlines start piling up.

Free reading 41th Five Things You Notice When You Quit the News

Sintya nurceha
free reading

 Five Things You Notice When You Quit the News

 If you quit, even for just a month or so, the news-watching habit might start to look quite ugly and unnecessary to you, not unlike how a smoker only notices how bad tobacco makes things smell once he stops lighting up.

A few things you might notice, if you take a break:

 1) You feel better

 2) You were never actually accomplishing anything by watching the news

free reading 40th Turning Negative Thinkers Into Positive Ones

sintya nurceha
free reading

 Turning Negative Thinkers Into Positive Ones
positive emotions include:

-Do good things for other people. In addition to making others happier, this enhances your own positive feelings
 -Appreciate the world around you. It could be a bird, a tree, a beautiful sunrise or sunset or even an article of clothing someone is wearing
- Establish goals that can be accomplished. Perhaps you want to improve your tennis or read more books.
 -Learn something new. It can be a sport, a language, an instrument or a game that instills a sense of achievement, self-confidence

free reading 39th Kids, Would You Please Start Fighting?

sintya nurceha
free reading

 Kids, Would You Please Start Fighting?

Article tells about education to teach your children .

Children need to learn the value of thoughtful disagreement. Sadly, many parents teach kids that if they disagree with someone, it’s polite to hold their tongues. Rubbish. What if we taught kids that silence is bad manners? It disrespects the other person’s ability to have a civil argument — and it disrespects the value of your own viewpoint and your own voice. It’s a sign of respect to care enough about someone’s opinion that you’re willing to challenge it.

free reading 38 th Don’t Become An Information Junkie: A Balance Between Learning And Taking Action

sintya nurceha
free reading

Don’t Become An Information Junkie: A Balance Between Learning And Taking Action

One of the biggest traps of any type of self improvement is becoming an “information junkie.”

An “information junkie” is someone who spends a lot of time reading books, watching videos, and listening to podcasts about self improvement, but they spend very little time actually putting what they learn into practice.

This is a very common problem for many people

free reading 37th A New, More Rigorous Study Confirms: The More You Use Facebook, the Worse You Feel

sintya nurceha
free reading

A New, More Rigorous Study Confirms: The More You Use Facebook, the Worse You Feel

 The average Facebook user spends almost an hour on the site every day, according to data provided by the company last year. A Deloitte survey found that for many smartphone users, checking social media apps are the first thing they do in the morning – often before even getting out of bed. Of course, social interaction is a healthy and necessary part of human existence. Thousands of studies have concluded that most human beings thrive when they have strong, positive relationships with other human beings.

 Prior research has shown that the use of social media may detract from face-to-face relationships, reduce investment in meaningful activities, increase sedentary behavior by encouraging more screen time, lead to internet addiction, and erode self-esteem through unfavorable social comparison.

free reading 36 th When it comes to parenting, be a 'gardener’, not a 'carpenter’

sintya nurceha
free reading

 When it comes to parenting, be a 'gardener’, not a 'carpenter’

One reason why the parenting phenomenon emerged in the twentieth century was because really for the first time in history people were off trying to be parents on their own who had never taken care of children but who had gone to school and worked, so therefore they think, 'OK, this is like another class I take at school.’”
 In short, parents should stop worrying. “Leaving them alone is not a bad idea

free reading 35th 3 Reasons You Keep Making Decisions That Work Against You

Sintya nurceha
free reading

3 Reasons You Keep Making Decisions That Work Against You

 So, what are some of the common reasons why our short-term actions prevent us from taking care of the big rocks, and what can we do about this?
  1. We Don’t Use Our Productive Time Well

Most of us are most productive in the morning. (Some people are night owls, but most are most productive before lunchtime.) Unfortunately, many of us do not use this precious time wisely–for

 2. We Prefer Activities That Help Us Feel That We Are “Done”

 3. We Wait for Inspiration in Order to Work on Complex Tasks

Waiting for inspiration is a common excuse we give ourselves to avoid difficult tasks. In reality, the best step we can take is to simply make a plan and start.

free reading 34th The Secret to Mastering Your Time is to Systematically Focus on Importance And Suppress Urgency

sintya nurceha
free reading

 The Secret to Mastering Your Time is to Systematically Focus on Importance And Suppress Urgency

This article tells about mantaines your time

Sometimes important tasks stare you right in the face, but you neglect them and respond to urgent but unimportant things.

You need to reverse that. It’s one the only ways to master your time.

Your ability to distinguish urgent and important tasks has a lot to do with your success.

Important tasks are things that contribute to your long-term mission, values, and goals. Separating these differences is simple enough to do once, but doing so continually can be tough.

free reading 33th The First Woman to Translate the ‘Odyssey’ Into English

 sintya n
free reading

The First Woman to Translate the ‘Odyssey’ Into English

The article talks about the women that translate odyssey in America.
Since the “Odyssey” first appeared in English, around 1615, in George Chapman’s translation, the story of the Greek warrior-king Odysseus’s ill-fated 10-year attempt to return home from the war in Troy to Ithaca and his wife, Penelope, has prompted some 60 English translations, at an accelerating pace, half of them in the last 100 years and a dozen in the last two decades. Wilson, whose own translation appears this week, has produced the first English rendering of the poem by a woman.

free reading 32th Cameras, ecommerce and machine learning

sintya nurceha
free reading

Cameras, ecommerce and machine learning.

Mobile means that, for the first time, pretty much everyone on earth will have a camera, taking vastly more images than were ever taken on film.
 Then, the image sensor in a phone is more than just a camera that takes pictures - it’s also part of new ways of thinking about mobile UIs and services ('Imaging, Snapchat and mobile'), and part of a general shift in what a computer can do ('From mobile first to mobile native').
 Smartphones and the smartphone supply chain are enabling a flood of UX and device innovation, with machine learning lighting it all up.

free reading 31th Marijuana May Boost, Rather Than Dull, the Elderly Brain

sintya nurceha

free reading

Marijuana May Boost, Rather Than Dull, the Elderly Brain

Marijuana has long been known for its psychoactive effects, which can include cognitive impairment. But new research published in June in Nature Medicine suggests the drug might affect older users very differently than young ones—at least in mice. Instead of impairing learning and memory, as it does in young people, the drug appears to reverse age-related declines in the cognitive performance of elderly mice.

free reading 29th Importance And Suppress Urgency "

sintya nurceha
free reading

  Importance And Suppress Urgency

Last-minute distractions are not necessarily priorities.

Sometimes important tasks stare you right in the face, but you neglect them and respond to urgent but unimportant things.

You need to reverse that. It’s one the only ways to master your time.

Your ability to distinguish urgent and important tasks has a lot to do with your success.

free reading 28th "who is afraid of sugar ?"

Who’s afraid of sugar?

This article tells the fact about sugar for human healthy.

Whether it’s cancer, obesity, acne, or whatever is happening on Steve Bannon’s face, there's someone out there saying it’s sugar’s fault. The New York Times declared earlier this year: “If Sugar Is Harmless, Prove It.” The Guardian asked, “Is Sugar the World’s Most Popular Drug?” (no, that would be caffeine, but thanks.) Last year, The Wall Street Journal said that our sugar consumption was “a matter of life or death.”   Dio mio! The New York Post last year went topical, publishing a piece the day after Halloween that said a “lethal dose” of candy corn was “1,627 pieces.”

free reading 27th 5 Lessons Most People Learn Way Too Late in Life

sintya nurceha
free reading

5 Lessons Most People Learn Way Too Late in Life

It’s best to learn these lessons while you’re still young.
 1. Perception is reality
     Perception creates bias as much as it creates understanding. It creates fear as much as it creates curiosity.

 2. Everything is temporary
    Your good times are temporary and your bad times are temporary.

 3. The importance in being present

 4. Do what you love, love what you do
 Most importantly: invest in yourself

 5. Being happy takes work

The happiest people tend to be the ones who've worked the most on themselves

Monday 20 November 2017

15thFreeReading"Lesson on mummies''Maulinda16611060

Lesson on Mummies

From the text I read about the mummies Archaeologists have found a meal with three mummies in it.makan aged over 3,500 years. The mummy was a woman and her two sons aged between 20 and 30s. The archaeologist said the meal belonged to a royal gold pioneer named Amenemhat. There is a goldsmith sculpture, these three corpses are in good condition. Dr Khalifa thinks that the new mummy will help the industry tourism Egypt. He said that tourists will come to see them. Egyptian antiquities chief, Dr. Khaled al-Anani, Hope archeologists will find more mummies in the area.


Lesson On The Rohingya

From news I read about the spirits of the UN has said that Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar are facing a catastrophe. Hundreds of thousands of Rohingyas have fled from the border into Bangladesh. Ringingya is attacked by Myanmar's security forces. More than 379,000 people have abandoned violence since last month. The BBC says the whole village has been burnt. The Buddhists are the original people of the Rakhine state and have lived there, "since the time of their ancestors".


Lesson On Hair Loss

From the text I read about Hair Loss, researchers say bald men do not have to worry about their appearance. Most men are stressed because of hair loss. Research from the University of Pennsylvania shows that women and men consider balding men to be more attractive, more confident and taller. bald can be more successful in negotiations because they are stronger. so for bald bald do not clean and should be proud.


Lesson On Teenagers

From the text I read about teenagers a study says teenagers are growing at a slower pace than ever before. Researchers look at data about the behavior of 8 million adolescents in seven different countries over the last 40 years, they say that compared to teenagers in their 70s, 80s and 90s , today's teenagers, "take longer to engage in pleasure and adult responsibility" most teenagers use sluggish strategies. most teenagers stay with their parents instead of renting their own rooms. One reason for this behavior is how much time spent teenagers online.internet keeping teenagers on social media, viewing videos or playing games rather than staying in "the real world" .and parents are too protective of children so teenagers today are slow growing.


London Subway

From the text I read the police said a man who bombed a London subway bought most of the bomb parts online. Police accused an 18-year-old Iraqi refugee bombing a busy commuter train. Exploding in Green parsons at 8:20 pm about 30 passengers burns on his face and body. The bomber suspects a lot of explosives called TATP. This is called "devil's mother" because it is very strong "officers review through the website ensuring that all these products are served in a suitable way.

Sunday 19 November 2017

free reading29 Humans Have a lot More than Five Senses

Commonly,we just knew that we have five senses. But this reading talks us if we don't just have 5 senses. Most researchers think there are more like twenty-one. This reading makes me couriosity to the content. And after I read found so many senses others. For example Proprioception, Chemoreceptors (can vomiting reflex), and others. I think, this is a unique reading.

free reading28 I like Music

Telling about someone who loves all of the musics. He likes listening to loud music, quiet music, old music, and new music. This article is like a poem, really simple reading. There is no something that can make me be interested. I don't like this article a little. Maybe, there is special meaning in each sentence. But, I can't get it.

free reading27 A Scary Night

This reading into comedy reading. But, i think, it is not funny. When I was reading this article, i coudn't smile. It talks about someone who was wrong in seeing something. She guess that it was a ghost. I didn't get something which is can make be laugh.

article25 Effect of diet on type 2 diabetes mellitus

Effect of diet on type 2 diabetes mellitus 
Diabetes is a disease caused by the consumption of oil, flour and sugar in excess. Therefore, to prevent this disease need an awareness of eating healthy foods. Therefore diet can we suggest in this case. also knowledge of disease is needed. Active and effective dietary education can prevent the onset of diabetes and its complications.

free reading20 Keep on Walking

Dave is a black man. He was a slave on a farm in Tennessee. One day, he was working out in the field and he saw master's two children out on the boat. The children were going to fall into the water and died. Dave jumped in and saved the children. The master was really happy. And he said if Dave will work hard for one year., he will give a freedom! The farm was very successful and he gave a freedom for Dave. He gave advice to Dave to keep walking when you are right. It doesn't matter what people shout after you. just keep on walking!

article21 A comparative study of teacher's opinions relating to inclusive classrooms in Indonesia and Thailand

This reading talks about,  A group of less than 1 percent of Thai teachers has a four-year degree in specialized education, while 13 percent of teachers in Indonesia have a bachelor degree in specialized education, 30.8 percent of Thai teachers learn from colleagues and 44.2 percent of Thai teachers receive additional training course. Their average class size is about 15e25 students per class. It can be concluded that teachers in Thailand and Indonesia should receive support and training to meet the needs of students with disabilities. If they do, situations related to non-exclusive classroom management in Thailand and Indonesia may continue. However, some schools in Thailand and Indonesia have inadequate and inadequate teaching materials. Teachers are still developing the material by investing their own money.

article23 Pulmonary aspergillosis as opportunistic mycoses in a cohort of human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients Report from a tertiary care hospital in North India

Actually, i haven't enough understood about this reading, this reading has many hard vocabulary, but I got something although not complete.
Aspergillosis is a type of disease caused by the fungus of the genus Aspergillus. This disease is spread due to the spores of Aspergilus fungus in the free air. Generally seen in advanced stages of AIDS and most commonly involving the lungs.