Sunday 24 September 2017

Roro 4th Free Reading (Timothy and Mary)

Name                    : Roro Wulandari
NPM                      : 16611074
Tittle of reading materials: Timothy and Mary
Screenshot of reading cover :

Types of Reading: Free Reading

This text is about a story of a boy that falling in love with his friend. This story is interesting and funny, but it is I do not  really like it. I could not understand what is the meaning of the writer by wrote this story, because this story is too weird for me. Why he choose a love story from the children. In my opinion, the children at their age is still have to play and should not think about love, because they are too young. They still 10, there are a lot of story from the children at that age, such as which game that they played and what are their activity that they spent with their family. So, why the writer choose to wrote the love story of children?

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