Wednesday 27 September 2017

15th Free Reading (Go Away, Writer’s Block!)

Name                    : Roro Wulandari
NPM                      : 16611074
Tittle of reading materials: Go Away, Writer’s Block!
Screenshot of reading cover :
Types of Reading: Free Reading

This text is about writers problem that’s called writers block and how to solve it. It is a situation when the writers can not write anything, even when they needs to, words come out from them because of some reason. Many people think that being a writer is a piece of cake. But it is not always to be like that. Even when you are a good writer and know a lot of things, you will face this problem sometime. A writer’s block can happen to everyone, it can happen to students, teachers, poets, historians, or all kinds of writers, although you are pro or not. This problem can happen for a long time if you do not know how to solve it. If you are getting to this problem and you really need to write something, then, you must try to write anything in your mind. When you have started to write something, it can mean that you are able to solve this problem. If you think that everything that you write down does not sound good or read well, try to write anything. Even when your ideas my seem to be all over, write them down. One way you will be able to make something out of it. If you do not really need to write anything at that very time,  you can sit it out. Give your mind some rest and make yourself happy. It will let you start the next time with a fresh mind and you will be able to write again. This problem can happen more than a day, so don’t let it go so long and make your writing get out of your mind.
This is a big problem, but if you really like writing and never give up, you will be able to solve this problem.

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