Sunday 24 September 2017

Roro 3rd Free Reading (Choosing The Right Clothes for YOUR Body Type)

Name                    : Roro Wulandari
NPM                      : 16611074
Tittle of reading materials: Choosing The Right Clothes for YOUR Body Type
Screenshot of reading cover :

Types of Reading: Free Reading

This text is so helpful for me. From this text, I will be able to know which clothes that fit to my body, so I will be look good with the clothes that I wear. From this text, I also can know that the confidence has an important impact for my appearance. If I wear good clothes but I do not feel confident, it will not look good for me. But if i feel confident, the clothes will look good for me and it can help my appearance to be better than before.Once I feel confident with clothes that I wear, it will also makes me feel comfortable.That's very GOOD text!

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