Wednesday 1 November 2017

Review of 63th free reading: A Bad Memory


In this story, there is a man who has very weak memory. In fact, sometimes he's like someone who lost his memory. He often forgot his name sometimes he forgot where he lives. This makes the wife very worried, then the wife advised her husband to see a doctor about the disease experts forget in other areas. Then the husband left with some supplies. When the a man is tired and rested, he sticks his sword into the tree and ties the horse to the tree. After eating, he saw the sword in fear, he thought someone was about to kill him and when he saw the horse he was thankful that someone had left him a horse. He rushed home and met his wife. His wife was just laughing, then he was puzzled why the wife laugh at him when they just met. The story is a fun and exciting story. But on the other hand I feel sorry for the man with the illness.

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