Thursday 2 November 2017

Free Reading : "Nigeria president says wife belongs in the kitchen"

Name : Krisna Ismawati
Npm : 16611075

"Nigeria president says wife belongs in the kitchen"

     Nigerian President Buhari has a problem with the sexist greeting he made about his wife. He said at a press conference: "I do not know which party belongs to my wife, but she belongs to my kitchen and living room and other rooms." Buhari stood next to the German chancellor at the time, but he made no comment. He looked at her in surprise. He says that he can "claim superior knowledge" over his wife.
     Nigerian first woman Aisha Buhari warned her husband that she might not support her re-election bid. He has a master's degree in International Affairs and Strategic Studies. He is a successful entrepreneur and has published a book on the essence of beauty therapy.

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