Friday 3 November 2017

82th Adventures of Tom Thumb - By beeoasis

A long time ago , a woodcutter lived with his wife in a small cottage not far from a great forest . They had seven children -- all boys , and the youngest was the smallest little fellow anyone had ever seen . He was called Tom Thumb . Even though he was so small , he was far smarter than any of his brothers , and he heard a great deal more than anybody ever imagined 
It happened that just at this time, there was a shortage of food in the land. Soon, the woodcutter and his wife became so poor that they could no longer give their boys enough to eat. One night, after the boys had gone to bed, the husband sighed deeply and said: "We cannot feed our children any longer, and to see them hungry before our eyes is more than I can bear. Tomorrow morning, therefore, we will take them into the forest and leave them in the thickest part of it, so that they will not be able to find their way back. "His wife cried bitterly at the thought of leaving their children to die in the forest. But she, too, thought it would be worse to see them die before her eyes, so she agreed to her husband's plan.

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