Friday 17 November 2017

39th Article "Latent Style Model Discovering writing styles for calligraphy works"

Ayu Rini Tri Utari
Review of the 39th article

"Latent Style Model Discovering writing styles for calligraphy works"

This article proposes calligraphy style delegates which are the distribution of multinominal prohability through visual words, and Latent Style Model to find styles of calligraphic work and arrange works by style. Calligraphy is one of the writing styles, which not everyone can do that. As the work of Chinese calligraphy is a valuable part of the Chinese cultural heritage. More and more works of calligradi are exhibited and preserved then users always appreciate. To meet their needs, they illustrate the Calligraphic style browser to represent the style and model of calligraphy.

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