Wednesday 3 January 2018

Article 17 " Effects of reflectivity/impulsivity on IELTS candidates' band score in the speaking module of the test "

Name : Kurnia Fatmasari
NPM : 16611030
Type : Article
Title  : Effects of reflectivity/impulsivity on IELTS candidates' band score in the speaking module of the test

In our 4 ability in English, the ability to speak is a difficult ability. Because of the importance of these skills, all the factors that influence the success of the candidate must be taken into account. therefore, researchers conduct research by examining the relationship between reflectivity and impulsivity as a learning style in IELTS. To meet the objectives of this study, 52 IELTS candidates from two institutes at Shiraz were selected. The two instruments used in this study consisted of adult / adolescent versions of YFC and Kagan (1965) MFLS to divide participants into reflective and impulsive and speaking tests. The results of the study showed that there is no relationship or interrelationship between reflectifity, Impulsivity and also IELTS. The findings also show that there is no difference between Reflectifity / Impultivity in achieving higher band scores.

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