Tuesday 26 September 2017

Review of 4th free article : Lack of sleep gives you the munchies

Name : Krisna Ismawati
Student number : 16611075

" Lack of sleep gives you the munchies "

     Maybe we ever wonder why we are so hungry if we don't sleep well.  A researcher showes that not enough sleep makes people hungries the next day.  People who lack of sleep want high-calorie snacksbmore than healthier foods.
     Researcher created two different situations with 14 volunteers.  Volunteers in the fisrt siyuation sleep 7,5 hours and tgey ate three meals a day.  However, volunteers in the second situation sleep 4 hours and they could not say no tasty snacks.  This happened only 90 minutes after they had eaten a meal that gave them 90% of the calories they needed that day.

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