Saturday 16 September 2017

Review of 2nd free reading: Family Fun at Home

Name                         : Rodiatun
Student Number       : 16611014
Title of free reading : Family Fun at Home

Loving your family is something that everyone can feel. With the busyness of each family member, you should take time for quality time together. But the first step that must be taken is to ask them one by one, when the time is right to have fun together, so that all family members can attend the event. Then decide the food. Because food is also important for a family dinner to make the atmosphere more fun. Furthermore, if the event is possible to be held noon, then can do lunch together somewhere. If the night, then held a dinner event in the house for example. If a family is a big family, it will be a lot of entertainment gained through the interaction between family members. Even if a family has few members, the most important thing is that all people can come together at that time for a family's quality time.

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