Monday 18 September 2017

Review of 1st book: Alice in Woderland

Name: Rodiatun
Student Number: 116611014
Title of book: Alice in Wonderland

After I read this book, I thought Aice's adventure is an adventure that was amazing. How come? Due to waiting for her sister too long in a bank, she fell asleep and finally she dreamed. In her dream she was in a place that very strange to her. At the beginning of her dream she plunged into a very deep rabbit hole. And in her dream she also found strange phenomenon. There was a White Rabbit, King and Queen, Mouse, and many more other strange creatures that she thinks it is very unusual. And in her dream she can change her body shape, become smaller, bigger and so on. Yeah that's about Alice in Wonderland. Actually I really like the reading about fantasy even Alice in Wonderland is in the movie right. But unfortunately I have not watched the movie, so I have not really got the feel of the story. And after I read Alice's story, I was immediately interested to watch the movie because it would be more fun if I could see the visualization of this story
From what I got after reading this book, I got a lesson that wherever we are we should stay nice, sweet and polite. Because I can not imagine what would happen to Alice if in her dream she acted recklessly, maybe the end of her story would not be the same as I read this past week. Here the author really invites us to imagine. I think if the author adds educational elements to children a little bit more in this story might be more impressive. Because the story of Alice in Wonderland is one of the most fascinating stories that open interest only from teenagers or adults, but I'm sure little children are interested to read it. So it would be better if beside practice to reading, they get a lesson in reading this book.

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