Wednesday 20 September 2017

free reading "jaya prana"

Yulia sari

Stiry about jaya prana , thats happened at bali  years ago , clever young man could sing , jaya prana have brothers and sisters , but they're was died.
And than jaya prana always alone .
Her father(king) ask him you must look for wife .
So , jaya prana thinking about that  , jaya prana jaya prana look for wife and he found him wife , her nam is loyansari , but loyan sari do not be him wife , and jaya prana angry , when he heard tell loyan sari ,
At night loyan sari take a knife and her killed jayaprana , and many peopple and than kill himself .
That story we can find than we're can't assert our wish and eugerness will be came new problem.

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