Wednesday 20 September 2017

Book1 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (Silvi Yani)


This book tells about the adventurer of a girl named Alice in the land of Wonderland. Initially she met a rabbit, initially she was normal, didn't seem strange to the rabbit. But after observation it turns out the rabbit has a waist pocket or watch. And her curiosity arose and she run after the rabbit. Suddenly she saw a large rabbit hole under a hedge. And she entered the hole and keep walking in. Without thingking of how to get out. Than she came to the bottom of the hole which contained piles of books and maps. When she looked at one on the maps, she was suddenly in a strange country. And that's where the adventures start.

In this story, the conclusion I can take is Alice's curiosity is very high. Let alone his curiosity about the earth or the world. And scine she was initially traped in a very deep rabbit hole, she became a brave and clever man. What she found, she tried to understand it. And the meaning I can learn in the story is that if you mean it, you will get what you want. Keep trying, don't give up. Because in this world nothing is impossible. And if we are increasingly curious about something, then our knowledge will increase. Be smart, because with intelligence, hard work and sincerity can bring us to our dreams. 

Review By
Silvi Yani

Nama: Silvi Yani
NPM: 16611045

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